Expo Ambassador Media




Online Media specialized in interviews with the Ambassadors for Osaka Expo 2025


Currently, there is no update.

We have now interviewed the Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the 4 countries.


All interview videos are available on our Official Youtube Channel.

All content on this site and videos are copyrighted by Expo Ambassador Media.
All photos of the Ambassador and thumbnail photos are used with permission of the Embassy.

Any unauthorized use, reprinting, or quoting without permission constitutes copyright infringement and violation of portrait rights.


The Expo is the world’s largest gathering of people and information.
Many countries have already announced their participation in the Osaka-Kansai Expo.

The concept for this Expo is “People’s Living Lab – a laboratory for a future society.
I believe that in an increasingly diverse society, it will become important to think independently about the way we would like to live and the happiness we would like to have.

I myself moved to Paris when I was 11 years old and experienced a change in my outlook on life as I was exposed to a variety of values and cultures. We launched “Expo Ambassador Media,” to learn about the various values that exist in the world and discover the attractiveness of each country through interviews with ambassadors. With the goal of giving dreams and hopes to the young people who will be the leaders of Japan’s future.

There are three main objectives of this project.

Share ideas and projects planned for the Expo through interviews with Ambassadors

Share the attractiveness and culture of each country and be the bridge between Japan and the world.

Understand what actions and initiatives each country is taking to achieve the SDGs in 2030

Please enjoy our interviews with these Ambassadors working on the frontline of the world!



Contents Director

Studied in Boston as a student. She was fascinated by Boston’s academic atmosphere and historic city, while also learning English. She is good at expressing the atmosphere of the content itself without being affected by the language barrier. She has traveled the world in pursuit of creating original content.


Interviewer / Project Learder

Born in Japan. Moved to Paris at the age of 11 for ballet. Multilingual in French, English and Japanese. After obtaining her bachelor’s degree, she studied management at Grandes Écoles and entrepreneurship and global business at Harvard Business School Online. She is involved in various businesses and projects on the concept of “Make Japan Innovative”.


Medias Director

While studying branding in France, he became interested in personal media, which allows people to share information freely from anywhere in the world, and began to manage media on his own. He has been involved in the creation of media with tens of thousands of members and communities.

